Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Last weekend we were busy again with the building. Friday night Peter and I finished building the "ticket wicket window" for my space upstairs and then did some more staining of finishing material at the station. Saturday Peter, Kev and I spent the day staining and a bit of painting. Kev and I stained and stained and stained trim work while Peter did a bit more painting of our stairwell - leaving the walls themselves alone - seeing as they will probably get banged up with the laying of carpet and lino and tile etc. Why paint, fill gouges and repaint again. I guess that means we are counting on dings in the walls during these last stages!

Kev and a job well done!

Just some of the trim we stained!

While we were working downstairs Peter spent lonely hours upstairs (or so he complained) staining the windows. Once again while the weather was good we needed to work on those windows! He muttered and dragged his feet up the stairs to do the two sets of windows at the east and west ends of our office space. I didn't have a lot of sympathy - poor guy - seeing as I had done all the downstairs windows so far with help from Becky on the New Year's weekend. My, that was a long time ago! And there's still more to go!

Doesn't he look happy!

Now that the upstairs office doors have arrived we can get them stained and varnished quick before the weekend when some more finishing will happen! As well our blinds arrived last week. We need to take time to install those in our tenants' spaces. We're in the planning stages of more signage outside - particularily a sign labelling the building as "The Siding 12 Station". We spent some time yesterday in Edmonton checking out office desks etc. Peter is also in the process of completing some of the technical computer requirements for our move in April. APRIL! We are moving next month! Our days, evenings and Saturdays are basically layed out for us for this next month! Work, work and more work. Busy, busy busy! But it is worth it all!

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