Friday, June 29, 2007

They Move In!

Our last tenants are moving in! They started yesterday with the furniture and today they are moving ALL the files (and they have a lot!) and other smaller things. I think they are excited. This morning one lady was here even before us! And I thought we were early risers! I hope they are just settling in now and not doing much more moving - it's raining, AGAIN!

I would like to say it is so exciting to have the whole building occupied. It's not really sinking in yet for me. As long as it doesn't sink in at 2:00 in the morning or something silly like that and I need to jump out of bed to do a dance of joy! I do know it is a blessing - whether I feel excited right now or not.

They seem like a good bunch of people and I am looking forward to having them around!




Something I can't take a picture of - but we sure can feel the difference right now - is the newly installed and much appreciated air conditioning. By the end of the day all the suites had it up and running. Ours was last because of glitch in some plumbing installation, but we now are cool up here! So we can put in a full day and have no excuses for dragging anymore by 3 in the afternoon.

All the pieces of the puzzle have been coming together wonderfully and in a manner and timing we couldn't have done ourselves. God gets the credit here!

Now - we'll get the outside done and the board room finished up and then we will find our normal again. Something I think our entire family is looking forward too - not just Peter and myself!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Almost there!

This week Thursday we hand keys over to the last of the tenants for downstairs! And a year ago we were prepared to be the only ones in the building! Isn't it amazing how God pulls it all together! We have to take that leap though and trust Him with the details that seem too big to even comprehend at the time of the "jumping off".

Since this past weekend was our last weekend to get things done for the final lease space, we did lots of little things here and there in Suite 102! And what's left you ask? Bit more varnishing - few more windows to get cleaned up - another coat of paint on some shelving - few spots to touch up on walls - wipe down the woodwork. This morning we took some boxes over - and I am so excited to get them out of our garage! The boxes with the window blinds! That seems like such a milestone. That means it's really close to finished now! Just ordinary looking boxes - but they pack lots of "sighs of relief" for me. That also means only ONE window to go! That's the board room window. I think I can handle ONE window to finish!



We weren't the only ones busy here last week. Telebyte came in and finished up their part in getting Waters Mackie's networking complete. The tangle of wires in one of the closets is now all tidied up!


As well Kles-Air was here and working on the air-conditioning. And not any too soon! With warm weather well on the way it is a relief to know cool air isn't far away now!


One other thing has been happening around here! Something I am so happy we've hired out! The soffit, ledger board, beam, brackets and backside of the fascia is being given it's second coat of stain by Lonnie Meagher. As well she will be giving the siding two coats of paint. The siding needs painting - manufacturer's defect - so we have hired her to do the rest of the staining outside as well. This gives us time to finish up the board room and do some landscaping in the next month.


It's great to be down to one room to finish - even if there is lots of woodwork in that one room! And one window!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Exciting Days!

Last week we spent some time finishing up the painting in the Waters Mackie suite. Today they stopped by for a peek and I was relieved when I found out they like what they saw. We used their corporate colors - but I still felt we were going out on a limb! I hope it's not just because right now their present office is done in pinks and purples! Painting and most of the varnishing is done! And we didn't completely loose our sense of humour over this phase of the job!

Like son, like father!

The cabinet for the lunchroom also went it! It's all coming together!


We also spent many hours this past weekend getting ready for the flooring for Waters Mackie. We made it with lots of help from Cor and Joanne with a few moments to spare for showering, quick supper and making a pot of coffee before people started arriving for our next excitment of the weekend. Once again on this past Saturday Cor was here to do some more finishing details. AND Joanne was here to help out with whatever she could! While Cor did woodworking, Peter did some varnishing and Joanne and myself crawled around on the floor scraping and vaccuming to make sure there are no unwelcome bumps under the carpet come the end of the week!

Scraping drywall mud!

Capping off a partial wall.

Then the day's work was done!

This past weekend was an exciting one for us here at Siding 12! On Saturday evening we had many close friends and family here to celebrate the dedication of the building - one year after we had some of the same people plus others here to commit this whole project to the Lord. Hard to believe all that has taken place in the past year! There is no doubt - we couldn't have done it without God and His leading and protection!

JUNE 16, 2007

Fred Judah & Corban Knip, Mom Nelson, Tony & Debbie Woods, Cor & Joanne Bouwsema, Ron & Bev Nelson, Tony Michelle Chelsea Thomas Makenna & Madison Budd, Norm & Karen Koop, Brent & Kirstin Bouwsema, Eric & Becky Bouwsema, Kevin Bouwsema, Kelsey Wasylenki, Mark & Marlane Archibald, Allen Heather & Justin Patterson (and us)
Before we could even take a breath and grab a cup of coffee this morning - our stucco company was here and putting on the scratch coat in the gable ends! Wow - we've waited a long time for this too! Carpet going into suite 102 and stucco going on outside! We're just moving along! Still have a Grand Opening to get ready for so it's good to see all these things happening!


Monday, June 04, 2007

Time to Post Again!

It's time to do another posting! Since our snowfall we've been working inside out of the heat. Snow - Heat - must be Alberta weather! Waters, Mackie's suite is almost finished painting - the windows are stained but need two coats of varnish. The doors are hung (thanks once again to Cor's expertise with this!) and the jamb and casings etc need a final coat of varnish. Some of the windows are cased and that trim also needs a finish coat of varnish. The bi-folds on the two hall closets are hung but need to be removed and painted now. I think that covers it for immediate work right now. The lights are in but most of the plugs need to be activated yet. Heating ducts are run but need to be finished off with flexible ductwork to the actual registers. The remaining T-Bar can then be finished installing. So - bits of this and bits of that to finish up. It's supposed to be cooler this week so hopefully we will be able to work more efficiently - both upstairs and down. In two weeks the air-conditioning units will be hooked up! Horray for that one! After that? Cabinet and sink in lunch room, clean up entry doors, flooring and rubber base and window blinds installed. THEN - we will finish up the board room. We haven't even painted in there yet. Made a super working area though for Cor this past weekend! And yes - Cor finished the last bit of woodworking in our suite upstairs - looks super! Those areas will now need a touch of varnish. I think I will say our suite is done!