Friday, April 27, 2007
Work still happens around here!
Reception/Accounting Area
Thought I better do another blog in case you were wondering if anything more was happening at 4892 - 46 Street. Yes, things are still rolling along around here. Holidays are over and we are back into being "general contractors! As you can see by the pics we are ready for the boarders to come in and install the drywall next week. Roughed in electrical is done, insulating is finished, and we even have the rough in wiring done for the board room and it's media system. Lights are ordered for the board room and this weekend in the middle of lots of other bits and pieces here and there we need to do a bit more backing for bulkheads etc. And at some point we will finish the "finishing touches" in our own office spaces. Right now getting moving on things downstairs again has been a bigger priority. Paving company has been called and so has the stucco fellow. With this wonderful weather in Central Alberta (we might have packed it up in our suitcase after all!) it's difficult not to get anxious to get outside and work on some things out there. All in good time! Remember, this is Alberta - the weather tomorrow can be anything but what it is today!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Ah - warm sunny skies!
You're probably wondering what any of these pictures have to do with our great adventure in re-creating Lacombe's 1911 Railway Station! They have lots to do with it! You can't be involved in something like this and not take a break - now can you. These pictures are just a few of our collection from this past weekend. The first one is a walkway just outside our hotel - the second is a home turned B & B/restaurant just a few doors down from our hotel and the last one is a float plane landing in the harbor just outside our hotel. We enjoyed the flowers and GREEN GRASS, a wonderful brunch in the parlor of the historical home and many moments watching the planes coming in and going out!
Last week Friday morning (in the middle of a terrible snow storm that hit our winter-weary province) Peter and I drove down to the Calgary International Airport to board a plane for sunnier skies and blue-er waters and much, much greener grass! We flew to Victoria for the weekend. We stayed in a hotel across the harbor from the Empress Hotel and spent four days walking and relaxing and drinking coffee and shopping and some more walking. We probably put 30 - 40 km on our shoes those days. But what a wonderful place to do it! We found no less than SIX Starbucks in a one mile radius within the downtown/James Bay area. We also brought home lots of good reading material (they have a Chapters three floors tall!). We took a carriage ride with a spunky 24 year old Belgian named Jack. We also were able to explore lots of side streets behind the Legislative Buildings that protected many old and well restored homes. And yes, we did wander in the Legislative Building - as much as the "do not enter" signs would allow. No high tea in the Empress - we'll have to save that for another trip. The extent of our visit to the B.C. Royal Museum was an IMAX presentation on the Titanic and then a walk through display of the various artifacts recovered and a well done presentation of what it would have been like to be a passenger on the ill-fated ship. If it comes to your town - see it!
The Legislative Assembly
Saying "bye" to Jack
"Pinehurst" - one of many restored homes
Taking this break was probably one of the best things we could have done right now. The only downside was flying back home! At least on the trip home the skies were much clearer and we could actually make out the many mountain tops on the way. They looked like a sea of Lemon Merangue topping or a plate overflowing with Divinity Fudge! We think we could make out Castle Mountain! AND when we drove home Monday night we didn't have to fight snow covered roads, which was a blessing. That would be enough to send us right back until Alberta really smartened up and let Spring have a turn!
Like I mentioned in the last blog posting - we are in the process of developing the last space for new tenants - Waters Mackie Property Appraisers. So ... on Saturday the 14th the signs outside came down - those ones we put up so long ago advertising the building coming and having lease space! We also were able to clean up the yard from winter debris. This was nice considering it decided to snow AGAIN! As well, Peter and Kevin worked a bit more on putting up the windows in our office. Those ones on the partial walls.
Only a few more things to finish up here in the office to be truly occupant worthy and keep working on trades for completing the last lease space downstairs. Sigh - we're at that again. Maybe this time it will go better. I would rather spend money on carriage rides and dinners overlooking the harbor - but we will be truly happy to have the entire building finished and leased. Then we can look forward to finishing outside - planting grass, paving the parking lot (!), putting in some trees and having a grand opening! What will we do with our time when it is all done!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Before and After Again!
I already told you I like before/after shots. Here's some more!
BEFORE - Peter's desk
BEFORE - Techie's Desk(s)
BEFORE - My favorite spot!
Just moments ago we officially went into the general contracting business again. We signed the lease for the last available space! Suites 102 & 103 are now being prepared for Waters Mackie - Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants. So by this summer we will have all spaces completed and filled with tenants! It's amazing how God has pulled together this whole aspect of our adventure. The many times I spent praying at the corner table in Tim's while Peter picked up the coffee is seeing answers! Isn't He wonderful! Aren't we too impatient! Isn't He understanding of our frailties! Again, isn't He wonderful!
Cleaned up and ready to finish!
BEFORE - Peter's desk
BEFORE - Techie's Desk(s)
BEFORE - My favorite spot!
Just moments ago we officially went into the general contracting business again. We signed the lease for the last available space! Suites 102 & 103 are now being prepared for Waters Mackie - Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants. So by this summer we will have all spaces completed and filled with tenants! It's amazing how God has pulled together this whole aspect of our adventure. The many times I spent praying at the corner table in Tim's while Peter picked up the coffee is seeing answers! Isn't He wonderful! Aren't we too impatient! Isn't He understanding of our frailties! Again, isn't He wonderful!
Cleaned up and ready to finish!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Lots of Unexpected Pics!
Before I say anything about the weekend activities - a big, big thank you to the kids for helping us get settled in the new office! There is no way we could have done it without them! They've been our cheerleader's the whole way and without their help and encouragment this journey for the last number of months would have been a difficult one!
We've moved! I tried getting lots of pics of the two moving days and settling in. Poof! When I downloaded the camera this morning I found lots of extra ones that I didn't take! Wonder where those came from? That's what happens when you leave the camera lying on the counter!
BUT but before we moved in, we had a few extra last things happening around here that were picture worthy! Lacombe Signmasters (Terry and Hans) came and put up a few signs around the building, outside and in!
A large part of Saturday was spent settling spaces. While that was going on Eric and Peter were getting the computers, printers etc all speaking to one another. Brent and Kevin were down on the main floor replacing hardware on file cabinets. We bought new handles a number of years ago - now was the time to get them installed while the drawers were empty. The sounds travelling up from the board room sounded like they were having their own little party down there! I think that's where a few of the unexpected pics originated! I'm glad they were enjoying the job. Brent is the kind of guy to make work fun.
Sample of the fun stuff!
On Saturday afternoon/early evening I gave Kirstin and Becky a mini painting lesson. After all, the paints were just begging to be used again!
Practicing those strokes!
Maybe if I get my work done today I can take a few pics of the "mostly settled" offices! I'll show those another day!
One more picture to share with you! Peter unlocking the door for the first time to go to work! Office work! And yes - I was there - someone had to be taking the picture - I'm the shadow!
Monday, April 9, 2007 (7:30 am)
We've moved! I tried getting lots of pics of the two moving days and settling in. Poof! When I downloaded the camera this morning I found lots of extra ones that I didn't take! Wonder where those came from? That's what happens when you leave the camera lying on the counter!
BUT but before we moved in, we had a few extra last things happening around here that were picture worthy! Lacombe Signmasters (Terry and Hans) came and put up a few signs around the building, outside and in!
Our office sign
Opening between my work spaces
Moving day(s) were an adventure in themselves. Eric, Brent, Kevin, Becky, Kirstin and Kelsey were all around to load up! The weather was cool and clouds hung in the sky threatening to deposit their contents on our little moving party. BUT it did not snow on our efforts - which was a real blessing since we used nothing but our pick-up and the kid's SUV's. It's amazing how much you can pack into a vehicle! The trip across town wasn't long - but we didn't want to make any more than necessary.
Outgoing loads!
Kelsey - "I can lift that!"
Eric and Kev filling up the truck - first load!
Now to unload!
And of course somewhere along the line there needed to be a break of some sort! Saturday morning Becky and Kirstin did a Tim's run! We were ready for one!
Wherever you can!
Up goes the clock!
In comes the stove!
A large part of Saturday was spent settling spaces. While that was going on Eric and Peter were getting the computers, printers etc all speaking to one another. Brent and Kevin were down on the main floor replacing hardware on file cabinets. We bought new handles a number of years ago - now was the time to get them installed while the drawers were empty. The sounds travelling up from the board room sounded like they were having their own little party down there! I think that's where a few of the unexpected pics originated! I'm glad they were enjoying the job. Brent is the kind of guy to make work fun.
Sample of the fun stuff!
On Saturday afternoon/early evening I gave Kirstin and Becky a mini painting lesson. After all, the paints were just begging to be used again!
Practicing those strokes!
Maybe if I get my work done today I can take a few pics of the "mostly settled" offices! I'll show those another day!
One more picture to share with you! Peter unlocking the door for the first time to go to work! Office work! And yes - I was there - someone had to be taking the picture - I'm the shadow!
Monday, April 9, 2007 (7:30 am)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
No Pics!
Sorry. This posting has no pictures - I will take some today but I probably won't have time to do another blog entry until the weekend is over. WE ARE GETTING READY TO MOVE! Yes! Finally after over 3 years of waiting to move our office out of the house - it is really happening. Neither Peter nor I feel like this is real. Not to rob the moment of the joy - just seems too unreal!
Today we will spend time at the building while numerous trades and businesses come in to finish the last little things. Didn't think there could be so many last little things! So --- today I will take the camera and take some pictures. Tomorrow the kids are all home and we are starting moving things out of the house (up 14 stairs) and into Suite 201 (up 20 stairs). I think we will all be tired when this is all done!
Right now we are also preparing a lease agreement for a final tenant. It sounds very positive - but we are cautiously optimistic since we've been down this road before. The business is a good match for the building - but once again it is in God's hands. He knows who He wants in the final space. If all continues they will move in July 1. Once again we will oversee tenant improvements. It should be much easier though actually working in the building. That will be an improvement on our level of time dedicated to this phase and we shouldn't be quite so tired when all is said and done.
Til then -- we'll keep you "posted" and next blog will have pics - promise!
Today we will spend time at the building while numerous trades and businesses come in to finish the last little things. Didn't think there could be so many last little things! So --- today I will take the camera and take some pictures. Tomorrow the kids are all home and we are starting moving things out of the house (up 14 stairs) and into Suite 201 (up 20 stairs). I think we will all be tired when this is all done!
Right now we are also preparing a lease agreement for a final tenant. It sounds very positive - but we are cautiously optimistic since we've been down this road before. The business is a good match for the building - but once again it is in God's hands. He knows who He wants in the final space. If all continues they will move in July 1. Once again we will oversee tenant improvements. It should be much easier though actually working in the building. That will be an improvement on our level of time dedicated to this phase and we shouldn't be quite so tired when all is said and done.
Til then -- we'll keep you "posted" and next blog will have pics - promise!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Our last week before moving in!
First of all - a big thanks to Cor (Peter's brother) who once again came on Saturday to help with the finishing AND to his wife Joanne who came and helped me with all the finicky little details to make Suite 201 ready for it's new tenants! As well a big thank you to Eric who spent Saturday with us as well at the building working on the networking! A different wife had a hubby-less Saturday! Thanks Becky! And Kev, once again home to plug away at those windows with Peter! Thanks Kev!
Last week our flooring went in. We have the same lino -yes it is lino - in a large portion of upstairs and then carpet where drawings will be produced! I wanted lino in the waiting and reception area, the bathroom, and of course my studio. I glance at my present "studio/sewing room" floor and I am reminded why!! I wouln't want to clean that out of carpet!
Flooring! That means we are closer yet!
New Floors!
Then this past weekend we had a big push to get most of the final finishing done. That's where Cor and Joanne and Kev came in!
We started Saturday out with Joanne and myself wiping down the now dusty walls and woodworking, vacuuming and giving the lino a quick cleaning. It's amazing how much still tracks in! This too shall change.
Joanne vacuuming the new carpet!
While Joanne and I cleaned, Cor started on the finish touch of baseboard. After the flooring went down a piece of quarter-round (looks just like it's name says) needed to be added right at the floor to finish off the baseboard. That's a lot of quarter-round!
Cor getting a good fit!
Peter and Kev were downstairs finishing building windows - those ones that will rest on top of the partial walls between rooms. Kev is rounding out his knowledge of tools and how they can work for you! This guy will be able to fix planes AND do woodworking!
Peter and Kev finishing up the windows!
Once Joanne and I were done cleaning we spent a bit of time upstairs filling holes in quarter-round and giving the entire baseboard a final coat of varnish. Once we caught up with Cor we would head downstairs to fill holes in window panels and give them a coat of varnish. Once there were no more windows completed for us we would go upstairs and work on more baseboard. Baseboard, windows, baseboard, windows! You know women - we can multi-task, no problem! We have kids!
While all this was going on Eric was installing fancy little I'm not sure what's in our network outlets using fancy little testing wire things to make sure the networking outlets were all up and running! Sorry - I can't describe it better than that! This is one area that is way beyond my knowledge or comfort zone. Give me a brush any day - but computers! That's why we brought in the best to do it for us! Cor, Peter and Kev can do woodworking. Joanne and I can clean, fill holes and varnish. But Eric can make those computers sing!
Eric working at the network board!
Then Sunday afternoon while all was quiet Peter and I spent a few hours at the building upstairs putting together one of the desks that were delivered the Friday before. The next one should go quicker!
The First Workstation done!
Now this week our tile is getting done on the stairs. Since we won't be able to go upstairs for a few days we will give the windows still on the main floor on the floor a final coat of varnish (will be installed after we move in) and pack! Then we start the big move!
Before we breath too deeply we still have keep in mind the board room downstairs to finish and we still have a potential tenant looking at suites 102/103. But we will enjoy this moment!
Last week our flooring went in. We have the same lino -yes it is lino - in a large portion of upstairs and then carpet where drawings will be produced! I wanted lino in the waiting and reception area, the bathroom, and of course my studio. I glance at my present "studio/sewing room" floor and I am reminded why!! I wouln't want to clean that out of carpet!
Flooring! That means we are closer yet!
New Floors!
Then this past weekend we had a big push to get most of the final finishing done. That's where Cor and Joanne and Kev came in!
We started Saturday out with Joanne and myself wiping down the now dusty walls and woodworking, vacuuming and giving the lino a quick cleaning. It's amazing how much still tracks in! This too shall change.
Joanne vacuuming the new carpet!
While Joanne and I cleaned, Cor started on the finish touch of baseboard. After the flooring went down a piece of quarter-round (looks just like it's name says) needed to be added right at the floor to finish off the baseboard. That's a lot of quarter-round!
Cor getting a good fit!
Peter and Kev were downstairs finishing building windows - those ones that will rest on top of the partial walls between rooms. Kev is rounding out his knowledge of tools and how they can work for you! This guy will be able to fix planes AND do woodworking!
Peter and Kev finishing up the windows!
Once Joanne and I were done cleaning we spent a bit of time upstairs filling holes in quarter-round and giving the entire baseboard a final coat of varnish. Once we caught up with Cor we would head downstairs to fill holes in window panels and give them a coat of varnish. Once there were no more windows completed for us we would go upstairs and work on more baseboard. Baseboard, windows, baseboard, windows! You know women - we can multi-task, no problem! We have kids!
While all this was going on Eric was installing fancy little I'm not sure what's in our network outlets using fancy little testing wire things to make sure the networking outlets were all up and running! Sorry - I can't describe it better than that! This is one area that is way beyond my knowledge or comfort zone. Give me a brush any day - but computers! That's why we brought in the best to do it for us! Cor, Peter and Kev can do woodworking. Joanne and I can clean, fill holes and varnish. But Eric can make those computers sing!
Eric working at the network board!
Then Sunday afternoon while all was quiet Peter and I spent a few hours at the building upstairs putting together one of the desks that were delivered the Friday before. The next one should go quicker!
The First Workstation done!
Now this week our tile is getting done on the stairs. Since we won't be able to go upstairs for a few days we will give the windows still on the main floor on the floor a final coat of varnish (will be installed after we move in) and pack! Then we start the big move!
Before we breath too deeply we still have keep in mind the board room downstairs to finish and we still have a potential tenant looking at suites 102/103. But we will enjoy this moment!
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