I think we have recovered (for the most part) from our unplanned window repair. We've yet to have the actual work done and receive a bill - so there may be a bit more "recovery time" needed yet.
In the last week lots of things have been happening inside the building. Roughed in plumbing and gas lines are
almost done. I think the plumbing company has been the winner in the "let's hold things up" race. I seem to remember this being a much too common occurance back in Peter's former commmercial construction days as well. Maybe things haven't changed that much in all these years. Although this has given Peter time to take a number of pictures of the work before the insulation and drywall stages. These pictures I won't post - they are strictly for the record in case someday we are altering things for tenants. They are not that interesting - unless of course you are a plumber. And if you are - my apologizes then to your trade for my comments. Hopefully you personally are not in the running for the above said prize!
Our electrician installed three temporary lights outside - partly for security but also so we could choose which style we ultimately want to see on the building. We decided quite quickly the one we want to go with. But I keep forgetting to get a nighttime picture to publish in a post! Again - no picture!
The electrician Lorne and his son Todd were in the building today running wires.
This I did get a picture of! In this picture you get a bit of a feel for the height of this lease space downstairs. We are putting in a dropped ceiling though! Maybe someday it will all be opened up for the tenant who wants to have a high vaulted space! The t-bar ceiling will be installed at 10 feet. Imagine a line running about one foot above the top of the window. That's where the final ceiling height will be!
Our electrician Lorne We have a super electrician on site! I'm glad we hired him - Peter is too. It's a small company but we get excellent service!
We have insulation upstairs! What a difference in warmth this makes! It can be nippy downstairs and after a short walk up the 20 stairs you find yourself in a nice warm and
quiet office space! We noticed immediately the difference with outside sounds coming in - especially a north bound train whistle. Once the insulation was installed, we could carry on a normal conversation upstairs even with the train announcing it's arrival. We knew this would happen - but it's very reassuring to actually have it happen! It will be wonderful to have the same for the main floor! Soon!
So what else has been happening? Plumbing - I mentioned that. Electrical - I mentioned that too. Insulating upstairs - yes. Ah! Upstairs. Peter and I have been busy up there too. Those stained beams I mentioned last posting. They needed a coat of varnish before the drywall board goes on. So Saturday Peter and I were up there varnishing! But not before we had numerous errands in Red Deer and the installation of the metal door frames for the main floor to take care of.
We were awake early (as usual) on Saturday and by 8 a.m. were picking up the door frames from a warehouse in Red Deer. From there we went to Peavey Mart in the city as well to purchase the remaining chain needed for our "downspouts". We are not using conventional downspouts that return back to the building. We are using 1/2 inch chain that will rust in time - probably sooner than we think! Hopefully "rusty" chain will be left untouched! From there we went to the Lighting store and ordered our upstairs fixtures. By shortly after 10 we were heading back to Lacombe. It helps when you know what you want!
Before we varnished the beams we installed the door frames. Seven in all. It only took two hours, with much appreciation for an excellent framer! Next time we see him we will have to thank him! When all was said and done, Peter admitted to me he had never installed a door frame like that before! We did the outside door to the electrical room - but these inside doors were different. He
knew in his head how it should work - but had never done it before. I wonder how many other things he hasn't done before but waits til afterwards to admit how much of a greenhorn he was! I knew I hired the right General Contractor! Not afraid to try!
My General installing a door frame!
We have insulation upstairs!
Ready to drywall upstairs!So now if the plumber will finish up the rough-ins and the electrician wind up his work we can carry on and get some heat to stay in the building! That is that plan! And a good plan it is when the thermometer is dipping lower and lower at nights and the winds blowing out from the north grow colder and colder each day!